

時間:2021-05-03 10:01:57 請假條 我要投稿
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英文請假條 篇1

teacher wang:

  today, because of my grandmother was seriously ill, with parents to visit, ask for leave one day.

  sincerely yours


  student: li binbin

  x dated

英文請假條 篇2

  Because of events or disease no school or to work or participate in activities, to the related personnel leave a note, taking a leave of absence or call to call.note format by the title, name, text, several components, specific writing methods are as follows:title:" excuse" three words written

  In the first line of the middle position.address:

  Second lines written in the top who to leave. writereceipt addrea person with the general epistles. are generally to the boor the teacher for leave. the specific wording in the surnamefollowed by position, such as" director chen"," king section chief"," zhang", use a colon after.abstract: writing clear off this, leave the starting and ending time. in the third line two write.

  Finally, often to" please leave"," best regards"," grateful" wait for diction end.inscribe: sign and date the same general epistles. in the lower right on leave name. the name below the mark of date of leave. to write a good excuse. must pay attention to the following points : 1 reason for leave to specific clearly, not equivocation, ready to accept either course. if encounter unexpected things too late to leave, please leave a message to the receipt.

  If it is known in advance what should advance to the relevant staff leave, get approval. general leave people should not have level off. the data must be written clearly, to facilitate the staff planning. the leave

英文請假條 篇3

  英(ying)(ying)語(yu)請(qing)(qing)假(jia)(jia)(jia)條(tiao)(tiao)的格式 請(qing)(qing)假(jia)(jia)(jia)條(tiao)(tiao)(written request for leave)是(shi)英(ying)(ying)語(yu)學習者必須掌握的常(chang)用應用文之(zhi)一(yi),它包(bao)括請(qing)(qing)病(bing)假(jia)(jia)(jia)(note for sick leave)和請(qing)(qing)事假(jia)(jia)(jia) (leave of absence)。請(qing)(qing)假(jia)(jia)(jia)條(tiao)(tiao)是(shi)用于向老師(shi)或(huo)上級(ji)領(ling)導等因身(shen)體狀況不好(hao)或(huo)因某(mou)事請(qing)(qing)求(qiu)準假(jia)(jia)(jia)的場(chang)合。


  1.英文中請假條的(de)`寫法和(he)(he)漢語(yu)請假條相同, 它(ta)一般由四部(bu)分組成(cheng),即時間、稱呼(hu)、正文和(he)(he)簽名。




  假(jia)如你(ni)(ni)是王(wang)立(li)。昨(zuo)天你(ni)(ni)和(he)同學們去農(nong)場幫助(zhu)農(nong)民們摘蘋果,不(bu)幸(unluckily)從梯(ti)子上摔(shuai)下來傷了(le)腿,但(dan)傷得不(bu)重。醫生讓你(ni)(ni)在家里好好休息(xi)。因此,你(ni)(ni)向高老師請(qing)假(jia)兩天(ask for leave for two days)。(20xx新疆烏魯木齊中考題)

英文請假條 篇4

  dear teacher,

  sorry to disturb you.i would like to ask for a few days off, because i'm on a business trip in xxxx now.

  expecting your apply, thank you!


英文請假條 篇5

dear director chen:

  hello! i am * * * * * 0xx xx ( professional name ) professional xx (name ). because xxxx ( excuse ) can not mount x month x day xx ( course name ). we take. please approve.

  sincerely yours

  xxx xx professional class

  leave : xx

  xxx x month x day

  * * * * * note the following format

英文請假條 篇6


  your clastudent sun hao, due to a sudden high fever and vomiting, to the hospital for treatment. today 's absence from school. we take.

  sincerely yours


  parents: sun zhengping

  parents: sun zhengping

  x dated

英文請假條 篇7

  Dear Mr. Cheng

  A telegram has just reached me saying that my younger sister is going to marry next Friday and invite me to present her wedding. Because of this I would like to have a leave of five days beginning on September 6.

  I will be very much obliged if you will approve of my request.

  Yours sincerely,

  Han Jian

英文請假條 篇8

  dear miss lu,

  i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from sept. 21to 25.

  i’m looking forward to your kind answer. your student

  wei ming










