

時間:2021-07-23 18:55:39 自我評價 我要投稿
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  xxx同學:你雖然進校的成績稍差一些,但是通過一個學期的學習,成績進步很快,特別是在中段考中更是發揮出色,一下子就前進了八名,是我們班進步最快的人之一。 不過作為班干部,在為班級服務方面就有一些不夠,不僅自己不去與不良作風作斗爭,而且有時還帶頭違犯紀律,這令我非常之失望。新的世紀已經來臨,作為朝氣蓬勃的熱血青年,你應該有遠大的目標,有敢叫日月換新天的凌云之志。新年如意!

  xxx同學:剛開學那段時間,我對你的印象不是很好,我覺得你有一點怪怪的,但是通過一個學期的學習,發覺你是一個多才多藝的同學,學習成績很拔尖,體育項目、文藝表現樣樣能行;學習任務清楚,目的明確,上課很專心, 最后我想給你提出一點小小的希望,你是一個非常聰慧的女孩,我相信在茶余飯后一定考慮過自己的今后出路,你應該還要勤奮些,不要怕吃苦頭,吃不得苦中苦,難為人上人。新年大吉,青春常駐!

  xxx同學:你生性誠實喜歡體育鍛煉,勞動態度端正,尊重老師的勞動,樂于助人;學習目的清楚,上課時能專心致志地聽講,能夠認真完成作業,特別是與開學之時的成績相較而言,有非常大的進步。 人生就如同一局變化萬千的圍棋,有風平浪靜的時候。也有驚濤巨浪的關頭,希望你要抓住一切可以利用的機會,努力奮斗,頑強拼搏,為美好的明天而戰。請注意合理分配時間,珍視時間的人就是珍視生命的人。春節快樂!

  xxx同學:今天,借這個機會,這樣來說,本學期來你在思想品德,生活工作等各個方面都表現極為不錯,特別是在班上的黑板報方面做了大量的工作,在學校的班級籃球賽和元旦文藝匯演中更是技藝驚人。但是在學習方面卻有所下降,雖然還不是很明顯,可是我覺得有責任提醒你。 在最后想對你提出兩點希望:一是必須弄清你在為誰而學的問題,這是學習的動力所在;二是應該千方百計克服學習上畏難情緒。新年吉祥!




  xxx同學:我很喜歡你,因為你是一個誠實而又樸實的孩子。其實,這是很多科任教師的一致評價。你對讀書學習有一個比較清醒的認識。你的性格文靜,思想純潔; 但是由于基礎在初中時不夠扎實,在高中的學習中有些吃力,進步的幅度不是很大,成績不是那么理想,你可能有些著急。如是這樣,大可不必。好汗種田,再看來年。前面的路還長著呢。我對你格外有信心,請別讓我失望。春節快樂,學習進步!

  xxx同學能夠尊敬師長,對人有禮貌,積極參加學校和班里的各項有益的文體活動。但學習目的不夠明確,上課不夠專心,學習也不夠努力,學習方法欠佳,學習基礎不扎實,學習成績不夠理想。 希望今后繼續發揚優點,努力克服不努力學習等缺點。爭取在“德、智、體、美、勞”各方面都有較大的進步。

  xxx同學能夠尊敬師長,團結同學,對人有禮貌,積極參加學校和班里的各項有益的文體活動。學習目的基本明確,按時到校,按時繳交作業。但是上課不夠專心,學習不夠努力,有偏科的思想,英語、語文成績還可以,但是數學、政治和物理成績較差,學習成績還達不到理想。 希望今后繼續發揚愛好體育運動等優點,努力克服不努力學習和偏科等缺點。爭取在“德、智、體、美、勞”各方面都有較大的進步。

  xxx同學:在本學期當中,我看到你在不斷地進步,真使人高興。你從自己的學習生活中深深地懂得了勤奮二字的深刻含義,知道求學的艱苦,明白了做事害羞是不能解決問題的。總的一句,在后一個學期中,你的學習目的比前一學期要清楚得多,這也你成績進步的最根本原因。俗話說:“行百里者半九十”。一個人要想獲得較大的成功,就得付出十倍,百倍的艱苦勞動不可。 我衷心地希望你在今后的學習當中能夠勤學苦練,不恥下問,揚長避短,構筑出屬于自己的那片藍天。


  xxx同學:我愈來愈認為你是一個個性很鮮明的女孩。你有一定的主見,也有一定的抱負。這是我非常欣賞你的地方,這也是你以后處事立業的根本所在,你要好好珍惜這些美好的美德。但是你的問題也很明顯,在我們的這么女孩子當中,你的朋友是不算多的,為什么呢?這你必需好好地檢查自己了。學生時代良好的同學關系是非常重要的,也是最讓人珍惜的。你如要提高成績,這方面悲改正不可。 在以后的學習中,如想要有大的進步的說,你就必須多請教,多思考,多訓練,只有這樣你才可能創造出誘人的天地!




  xxx同學:你的學習勁頭足,目標清楚,基礎扎實,各科知識都很拔尖;能模范遵守學校的各項規章制度,從開學到放假,沒有請過假,沒有遲過到,實在是難能可貴,與同學之間關系非常融洽,樂于助人。但是人畢竟是社會的人,要學會把自己放到集體當中去,“臨淵慕魚,不如退而結網”,要敢干把自己的美展示給人看。 新春之際送你一句話:相信自己,你就能真正扼住生命的咽喉。春節快樂!



  XXX classmates: although you a little poor school grades, but through a semester of study, achievement made rapid progress, especially in the middle -- is good, just forward of the eight, is one of the fastest progress in our class. However, as a class cadre, there are some not enough in serving the class, not only not only not to fight against the bad style, but also sometimes taking the lead to violate the discipline, which is very disappointing to me. The new century has come, and as a young and vigorous young man, you should have lofty goals, and dare to call the moon and the new sky. Happy New Year!

  XXX classmates: the first time, my impression of you is not very good, I think you have a little weird, but through a semester of study, found that you are a versatile students, study result is very top, sports, literature and art performance can do it all; Learning task is clear, clear purpose, very attentively in class, in the end I want to give you a little hope, you are a very intelligent girl, I believe in dinner must be considered in its own way in the future, you should be more diligent, don't be afraid to suffer, eat cannot be bitter, bitter to people here. Happy New Year!

  XXX classmate: you have a natural disposition to enjoy physical exercise, good work attitude, respect for teacher's labor, and help others; The purpose of learning is clear, to be able to listen attentively in class, to be able to finish the homework carefully, especially compared with the academic performance of the beginning of the semester, with great progress. Life is like a game of go, a time of calm and calm. I hope you will seize every opportunity you can take advantage of, fight hard, fight hard, and fight for a better tomorrow. Please pay attention to the reasonable allocation of time. People who value time are those who value life. Happy Spring Festival!

  XXX classmates: today, take this opportunity to, so, this semester to you in the ideology and moral character, life all aspects of work performance is very good, especially in the blackboard in the class have done a lot of work, at school class basketball game and New Year's day in the literary performance skills. But in terms of learning, it has declined, although it is not obvious, but I feel it is my duty to remind you. In the end, I want to give you two points of hope: first, you must find out who you are studying for, which is the motivation for learning. Second, we should try our best to overcome the fear of learning. Happy New Year!

  XXX: you are the only student in our class who can talk to me. You have a general sense of understanding, a unique understanding of many issues in society, and a sense of your life in your words

  Loving, caring and understanding of parents. So you are wiser than many people under the same conditions. If you want to talk about your shortcomings, that is the basis of science is a little thin, not very solid; And how you can improve your self-control is especially important for your future life. In the Spring Festival, I give you a word: knowledge is the most undeceiving, most intimate friend. New spring auspicious, youth permanent!

  XXX: not long after the beginning of the semester, I found that your basketball skills are very good, and I won the honor for the class in the class basketball match. Not for the New Year's day. I really didn't find you have a good art talent. Love the collective, earnestly fulfill the duty of a qualified high school student. The purpose of learning is clear, but the enthusiasm of learning is not high enough, the interest of study is not so thick. "There is no shortage of beauty, only a lack of discovery." When you devote yourself to the class, you will feel the sweetness of learning. Happy New Year, academic progress!

  XXX: I like you very much because you are an honest and earthy child. In fact, this is the unanimous evaluation of many science teachers. You have a clear understanding of book learning. Your character is quiet, your mind is pure; But because the foundation is not solid in junior high school, in high school study some difficulty, progress is not very big, result is not so ideal, you may be a bit anxious. If so, don't have to. Good sweat farm, another year. The road ahead is still long. Please don't let me down. Happy Spring Festival, learning progress!

  XXX students can respect teachers and teachers, be polite to others, and actively participate in the beneficial style activities of the school and class. But the purpose of study is not clear enough, the class is not attentive enough, the study is not enough hard, the learning method is not good, the learning foundation is not solid, the study result is not good enough. I hope to continue to carry forward the advantages in the future and try to overcome the disadvantages such as not studyin










