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  I am University network engineer professional. During my college years, I actively participated in various social practice activities and held many posts in the school. From which I not only recognized the importance of teamwork, but also learned how to behave, to understand the truth of life to be kind, at the same time I also learned how to communicate with people. It can be said that my college life is very full, it can be regarded as a turning point in my life and leap.

  During the freshman to junior year, I was in the computer center as a network administrator, is responsible for the engine room network and workstations daily maintenance work, is also responsible for the engine room financial revenue and expenditure management. In these three years, I not only learned about hardware and network management knowledge, as I proficient in computer hardware and network engineering provides the possibility. I also realized the importance of teamwork and integrity, I know how to get along with clients, how to work with partners.

  From junior year to senior year, I worked as an assistant to the Office of Public Foreign Language Teaching, where I learned how to adapt to the daily tedious and repetitive work, learn how to communicate with others, and learn how to get along with leaders. Learning: I have mastered the university during the computer fault repair, network maintenance, network formation, web development, web production skills. Strict style of study and correct attitude to learning to shape my simple, stable, innovative character. 200 x years, I participated in the "national computer technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) - Network Engineer" examination, and is expected to get the certificate. Even so I did not relax my professional - electrical engineering and automation courses to learn, the my comprehensive knowledge and skills to improve the possibilities provided.

  I also got a computer grade examination, three network technology and English four, six exam certificates, which I work in the future to continue learning and development has laid a solid foundation. From the time I first came into college, the computer is very little known to the students now recognized as "computer expert" in the computer and network skills can really be said to be leaps and bounds, which fully proved my cognitive potential learning, plasticity and I Computers and networks.

  According to the work of the University for four years, learning experience, I have the confidence to do a good job in this network engineer, and I also believe that in their future work and life can effectively carry forward the team meticulous and hard-working spirit. Network engineering aspects of technology can be said that with each passing day, I also believe that their technology and application of learning ability. So I have full confidence, with the ability of this profession.

  I hope that the leadership to consider my job search request, I promise not to let you down.


  This is a fast pace of life of the times, people will be the pursuit of high quality of life will be more hard work, and computer networks will be more in-depth to every field, change the way of life, so during school learning a variety of computer software Application and operation, such as officexp and other office software, fireworksmx, photoshop and other graphic design software, internetexplorer, outlookexpress and other Internet tools, and can use frontpage, dreamweavermx production page. In the computer hardware, I am familiar with its composition principle, able to skillfully assemble the computer, independent of the computer to exclude some common faults.

  During the internship I can quickly adapt to the company's environment, into the enterprise groups, with the intention to communicate with colleagues, better completed the task. These are not come in handy. Are from a gradual point to the surface of the knowledge, I am glad to have such an internship opportunity to be able to improve their employment before a good, exercise their own. But also to their own ability to more self-confidence.

  In terms of thinking and behavior, I am fine style, treat people sincere, can better deal with interpersonal relations, calm and stable doing things, can reasonably arrange the affairs of life.

  In the work, I seriously complete the task, I actively respond to the call of the unit, combined with the actual work, continuous learning theory, business knowledge and social knowledge, armed with advanced theory of mind, with sophisticated business knowledge to enhance capacity, Knowledge expansion vision. / Zl / reproduced please retain.

  The time is always ruthless, when parting, with the manager goodbye, with my colleagues say goodbye, the vast sea of people, perhaps after no longer meet, but I will remember this time they are enthusiastic about my care and selfless help, My social practice came to an end. In the meantime there are too many can not be expressed in words, but I will always remember this experience, and will keep everyone's teachings, in the future a good spur their own efforts to study and strive towards a new level of life.

  This experience is real, to feel every day in progress, every day to contact new things, little by little absorption into. Tachu society will have such a deep feeling, is the sentence: society is one of the best universities, really right.Show in front of their own is a fertile soil to spur their own, but also clearly felt the heavy responsibility. In the future work and life, I will continue to study, in-depth practice, and constantly upgrade themselves, and strive to create performance, continue to create more value.








  Four years of college life study and practice, let me from a little less students, contact with society, from the naive, impetuous and unrealistic, more mature psychological, firm, ready to go to work for the mentally ill.

  I am xx University network engineer professional. During my college years, I actively participated in various social practice activities and held many posts in the school. From which I not only recognized the importance of teamwork, but also learned how to behave, to understand the truth of life to be kind, at the same time I also learned how to communicate with people. It can be said that my college life is very full, it can be regarded as a turning point in my life and leap.

  During the freshman to junior year, I was in the computer center as a network administrator, is responsible for the engine room network and workstations daily maintenance work, is also responsible for the engine room financial revenue and expenditure management. In these three years, I not only learned about hardware and network management knowledge, as I proficient in computer hardware and network engineering provides the possibility. I also realized the importance of teamwork and integrity, I know how to get along with clients, how to work with partners.

  From junior year to senior year, I worked as an assistant to the Office of Public Foreign Language Teaching, where I learned how to adapt to the daily tedious and repetitive work, learn how to communicate with others, and learn how to get along with leaders. Learning: I have mastered the university during the computer fault repair, network maintenance, network formation, web development, web production skills. Strict style of study and correct attitude to learning to shape my simple, stable, innovative character. 200 x years, I participated in the "national computer technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) - Network Engineer" examination, and is expected to get the certificate. Even so I did not relax my professional - electrical engineering and automation courses to learn, the my comprehensive knowledge and skills to improve the possibilities provided.

  I also got a computer grade examination, three network technology and English four, six exam certificates, which I work in the future to continue learning and development has laid a solid foundation. From the time I first came into college, the computer is very little known to the students now recognized as "computer expert" in the computer and network skills can really be said to be leaps and bounds, which fully proved my cognitive potential learning, plasticity and I Computers and networks.

  According to the work of the University for four years, learning experience, I have the confidence to do a good job in this network engineer, and I also believe that in their future work and life can effectively carry forward the team meticulous and hard-working spirit. Network engineering aspects of technology can be said that with each passing day, I also believe that their technology and application of learning ability. So I have full confidence, with the ability of this profession.

  I hope that the leadership to consider my job search request, I promise not to let you down.


  My name is , is university network education college network technology professional graduates, in the school period, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view , Hard to learn, bit by bit accumulation, and strive to practice, and after careful guidance mentor, I thought, business knowledge and professional skills have been greatly improved.

  In the ideological and political aspects, I have a good social public morality and professional ethics, pay attention to political theory study, work and study seriously in the practice of the "Three Represents" thinking, can consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee; , The unity of comrades, love their own, rigorous style, decent people, love the motherland, love the people, love the Chinese Communist Party, loyal to support the party and the country's major principles and policies. Usually concerned about national affairs, always try to do to benefit the country, the community thing.

  In the knowledge, master of political science, administrative science, management science, basic theory of law; master dialectical materialism and historical materialism basic viewpoints and analytical methods and system analysis, statistical analysis, investigation and analysis, policy analysis and other scientific methods; Grasp the basic methods of document retrieval, data query, have a certain degree of scientific research and planning, organization, implementation of the actual working ability.

  In social practice, through the use of summer vacation and after-school time has been in company training for a long time. These experiences allow me to combine the theory into practical operation, more excellent to complete the task, from which I also gain a lot. I am a bit shy of nature, learned to communicate with strangers, learned to listen to the views of others, and concisely expounded their ideas. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. I believe I am ready to enter the community, to make its own contribution to society.

  Through professional learning, regardless of family, work, study, I have to learn while practice. In learning, I pay attention to the theory with practice, often using the theoretical knowledge of the study and analysis of problems encountered in the work and contradictions, to seek ways to resolve conflicts.

  After graduation, I will continue to do their work, the professional knowledge used in the work practice; the same time, strive to create more conditions, continue to participate in a higher level of study.



  您好!真誠地感謝您能夠在百忙之中瀏覽這份求職材料。很榮幸有機會向您呈上我的個人資料.在此謹向各位領導作一自我推薦. 現將自己的情況簡要介紹如下:

  我是XX學院的一名在校大學生,我所學的專業是計算機網絡技術。 在大學生活中,我始終以提高自身的素質為目的,以個人的全面發展為奮斗方向,樹立正確的人生觀、價值觀。為適應社會發展的需求,我認真努力學習專業知識,努力提高自己的學習能力和分析能力。我相信通過三年的苦讀,我可以很好的掌握計算機軟硬件專業知識,能進行軟件設計,動態網站制作,數據庫編程與管理。


























  本人對工作認真負責,事業心強,誠實是我做人的最基本原則. 熟練掌握windows平臺(xp,20xx)域環境下的各種服務器(DNS、DHCP、VPN、web、ftp、打印、文件、代理)的搭建、管理和安全維護。夠通過證書服務保證服務器的安全性,通過NLB群集和服務器群集等群集技術保證服務器的冗余性;并能夠使用widows組策略對用戶進行安全管理。經驗源與實踐,我會在不段的`工作生活中完善自我.我相信:信念+恒心+努力就等于成功的開始!






  積極投身社會活動,擔任計算機學院科協干事 ,工作積極認真出色,并獲“優秀學生干部”稱號。有較強的社交、組織、實踐和研究分析能力,工作塌實肯干,能夠吃苦耐勞,讓人放心。

  有年輕人的沖勁和魄力,具有很強的`團隊精神和集體觀念。對待生活非常樂觀,以誠為本,真誠待人。同時,自己還存在一些不足,但在今后會努力不斷改正,提高自身素質  * 勤奮好學、吃苦耐勞、踏實肯干,具有較強的學習能力和溝通能力。大學期間利用寒暑假分三次到政府部門和新聞媒體實習,磨煉了個人毅力,認清了社會需要什么樣的人才,而自身則需要該如何做,才能成為當今社會中的“帥才”。深知剛踏入社會,笨鳥先飛一詞應該時刻銘記于心,時刻告誡自己――細節決定成敗。

  * 工作認真負責,思維活躍、積極主動,良好的團隊合作精神,清楚個人努力決定團隊成敗。

  * 較強的文字撰寫及編輯、策劃能力,良好扎實的專業知識功底是我大學孜孜求學的結果。



















