

時間:2022-12-07 13:15:59 出國留學 我要投稿
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dear professor:

  i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i am a chinese undergraduate from xx, which is one of the top 10 universities in china, and i will graduate in 20xx. after that, i want to continue my education by pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of xx. my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essec is on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in "cross-cultural relationship marketing", especially your publications on business of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me. and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career. that's why i seek entry to your theme. during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. for example, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized and schemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job, i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities. after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last year and i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmat is necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test after the ielts test. with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunity to work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working along the lines of your present research. thanks for your kindness and consideration.

  yours sincerely,




  1. 推(tui)薦(jian)人的(de)選擇:申請(qing)本科(ke),班主(zhu)任(ren)(ren)推(tui)薦(jian)是必須的(de),除(chu)了班主(zhu)任(ren)(ren)之外,需要提(ti)(ti)(ti)供(gong)兩位老(lao)師的(de)推(tui)薦(jian)(一個(ge)為(wei)文科(ke)老(lao)師,一個(ge)為(wei)理(li)科(ke)老(lao)師,一般選擇英語(yu)和數學老(lao)師)。注意問(wen)題:如果(guo)有(you)(you)實習等經歷可以提(ti)(ti)(ti)供(gong)實習單(dan)位推(tui)薦(jian),但是一定要有(you)(you)內容可寫(xie)的(de),如果(guo)只是認識(shi)一些(xie)名(ming)校的(de)校友(you)之類的(de)就不需要提(ti)(ti)(ti)供(gong)了。

  2. 推薦(jian)信的(de)(de)`具體(ti)內容注(zhu)意事項:A. 一(yi)定要(yao)從老(lao)(lao)師(shi)的(de)(de)角度出發,來考慮這些(xie)問(wen)題。B. 提供實際的(de)(de)事例。比如:你上(shang)課喜(xi)歡(huan)問(wen)問(wen)題,那這種方式(shi)是否(fou)促進了(le)班(ban)級學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)的(de)(de)積極性(xing)(xing),輔助老(lao)(lao)師(shi)更好(hao)地教學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)增(zeng)強(qiang)了(le)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)效率呢(ni)?有(you)沒有(you)印象特別(bie)深(shen)刻(ke)的(de)(de)問(wen)題,體(ti)現了(le)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)生那方面的(de)(de)能力?課下是如何和老(lao)(lao)師(shi)聯系,探討了(le)哪些(xie)問(wen)題,讓老(lao)(lao)師(shi)感受到了(le)你怎么(me)樣(yang)的(de)(de)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)態度,學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)進展以(yi)及學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)成果?成績(ji)是班(ban)上(shang)最好(hao)的(de)(de),除了(le)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)術成績(ji)以(yi)外,你還有(you)什么(me)特別(bie)的(de)(de)優勢(shi)或者(zhe)素質呢(ni)?作(zuo)為(wei)(wei)班(ban)上(shang)成績(ji)最好(hao)的(de)(de)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)生,你為(wei)(wei)老(lao)(lao)師(shi),為(wei)(wei)同學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue),為(wei)(wei)班(ban)集體(ti)做了(le)什么(me)貢(gong)獻,比如以(yi)你自己的(de)(de)方式(shi)影響了(le)同學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue),提高了(le)他們(men)的(de)(de)學(xue)(xue)(xue)(xue)習(xi)(xi)積極性(xing)(xing)或者(zhe)對課程本身(shen)的(de)(de)理(li)解,是通過哪些(xie)特殊的(de)(de)事情體(ti)現出來的(de)(de)?

  3. 老師個人信息的提(ti)(ti)供:必須(xu)提(ti)(ti)供老師的電(dian)話(最好為辦公(gong)電(dian)話)、郵箱(最好是學校官方郵箱),教授的科目、認(ren)識(shi)多(duo)長時(shi)間(jian)等信息,網申的時(shi)候必填的內容。

  4. 推薦(jian)信(xin)(xin)的(de)提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao):推薦(jian)信(xin)(xin)的(de)提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao)一般分(fen)兩種:紙質(zhi)提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao)(打(da)印出來,簽字,封(feng)到封(feng)口處簽字的(de)信(xin)(xin)封(feng)里,給學校(xiao)(xiao)郵(you)寄走(zou))和網(wang)上提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao)(申請表填寫老(lao)師(shi)(shi)郵(you)箱,學校(xiao)(xiao)給老(lao)師(shi)(shi)發賬(zhang)號(hao)和密碼(ma),老(lao)師(shi)(shi)網(wang)上提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao))。越來越多的(de)學校(xiao)(xiao)選擇后者,所以建議學生提(ti)前把這兩種跟老(lao)師(shi)(shi)說好(hao),如(ru)果是紙質(zhi)的(de)到時候讓老(lao)師(shi)(shi)簽字或者咱們(men)(men)代(dai)簽就行(xing),如(ru)果是網(wang)上提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao),建議讓老(lao)師(shi)(shi)到時候把鏈接賬(zhang)號(hao)和密碼(ma)轉發給我們(men)(men),我們(men)(men)來提(ti)交(jiao)(jiao)(jiao)。


dear interviewer,

  hello! my name is jane. i’m a student in hit, majoring in automation. here, i’d like to take this opportunity to recommend myself to be transferred to your school.

  i think i’m competent to be chosen as a member of yours. i love my major and i have been working hard since i entered the university. and in every semester, i got my grades over 85 percent. i think that it’s a recognition and encouragement to me. in the meantime, i spent a lot of time studying english after class. the work i did in my leisure time really enhanced my listening and speaking skills. also, it builds up my confidence to quickly get accustomed to the life abroad.

  besides, these are not what i did best in my college. people say that i’m a energetic girl. except of the study part, i also participate in many student clubs. for instance, last year i joined in a dance club and won a prize in a cheer squad competition. then, there came the school’s new year performance. so my friends and i directed the whole class doing a dance show. it was very successful. and this year, i tried something new--i acted in a modern stage play. i like new things, and always be energetic and creative. this is my style. in my point of view, activities like these can make my college life more colorful. i really get fun, make a lot of friends, and learn how to cooperate with others. what’s important, i gradually knew how to keep balance with life and work.

  i always having a dream to become an engineer. in order to realize my dream, i will spare no effort to improve myself. and now, i think going further study abroad is the best choice for me. my family is also in favor of my studying abroad. they want me to gain access to the culture in other country. so i believed my plan to study abroad will be a success. if i’m very lucky to be accepted, i’ll work even harder and be strict with myself.

  sincerely yours,











